Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

This day means so much to me.  For me, as a military wife, I have seen first hand the sacrifices that have been made by those in the military and their families.  I am ever so grateful to those who are continually willing to serve our country.  Overseas or home, there is so much that you do on a daily basis that goes unnoticed.  I am ever so grateful for my Dad, Papa, my step-dad, my father-in-law, and my grandfather-in-law for their service as well!  Dear military and ex-military, THANK YOU!  Dear families of those who have or are serving, THANK YOU!  There is no greater sacrifice than those who have lost their lives in the name of freedom.  To those we owe our freedom.  GOD BLESS THE USA!  GOD BLESS THE VETERANS OF THIS BLESSED COUNTRY!!!

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