Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

This day means so much to me.  For me, as a military wife, I have seen first hand the sacrifices that have been made by those in the military and their families.  I am ever so grateful to those who are continually willing to serve our country.  Overseas or home, there is so much that you do on a daily basis that goes unnoticed.  I am ever so grateful for my Dad, Papa, my step-dad, my father-in-law, and my grandfather-in-law for their service as well!  Dear military and ex-military, THANK YOU!  Dear families of those who have or are serving, THANK YOU!  There is no greater sacrifice than those who have lost their lives in the name of freedom.  To those we owe our freedom.  GOD BLESS THE USA!  GOD BLESS THE VETERANS OF THIS BLESSED COUNTRY!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

What a FUNNY!

So, we do this thing with our money called the envelope system.  If you haven't heard about it, it is where you take the budget you have created for the month and you separate your cash into envelopes so that when you spend it all...that is it!  NO MORE!

Todd had enlisted the help of our oldest son Jonathan(age 7) who so diligently was placing the money he had counted out into the proper envelope for the month when out of no where....

"Daddy, why are we giving money to this lady?"  Todd responds, "What lady?"  Jonathan says, "Miss Elanous"

Todd was confused for a moment as we know no one by that name, when all of a sudden he figured out what Jonathan was talking about.....MISCELLANEOUS!!! 


I heard this story 2nd hand, but I can only picture Todd trying to keep a straight face while explaining to Jonathan just exactly who/what miscellaneous is!!!   LOL

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fun to save!

Well, I made a trip to Dillon's this weekend and was very excited to see what I was able to do with my coupons.  I could have done even better, but there were a few things that I had to get even though I didn't have a coupon.

Here is a snapshot of the items I was most excited about.

6 Bottles of Snuggle
   On Sale (mix and match 10) $3.49
   Used 6 - $3/1 coupons
   Total cost = $.49 each

2 - 4 lb bags of sugar
   Spend $10 and get them for $1.28 (limit 2)

Tombstone Pizza
   FREE with coupon Dillon's mailed me

Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa
   $.99 - sale (Mix & Match)
   $.50 coupon
   Total cost = $.49

   $1.49 on sale (mix and match)
   2 - $1 coupons
   Total cost = $.49 each

Country Bob's Steak Sauce
   Free after coupon!!!

My TOTAL for EVERYTHING you see here...$35.72!!!
TOTAL SAVINGS...$80.89!!!