Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I dread pictures.

Having 4 kids, it always seems like getting pictures is excruciating!  It doesn't matter the occasion, there is always one who is pitching a fit about pictures, or just won't smile right or just won't even look at the camera.  Well, last week, Money Saving Mom posted an offer about how to get a free 20 page scrapbook for the cost of just shipping, and I really wanted to make a fall book.  So, today I decided to bust out with the cute outfits and camera and get to shooting. 

I was ssssoooooooo blessed!  I got the most amazing pictures!  Every one of the kids were happy and helpful and attentive and smiling and still and CUTE!  I AM SO EXCITED.  Thought about giving the book away to one of the grandparents, but I don't think I will be able to bring myself to do that.  (Sorry parents!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I also love taking pictures of my kids and it makes it so much more fun when they are cooperative!
